Issue 30

Letter From the Publisher: Issue 21

Letter From the Publisher: Issue 21

Often, throughout the course of running Food & Spirits Magazine, I’m reminded of the food bounty that is available to us living in Omaha. Of course, chefs and restaurants have noticed this, and particularly in recent years, the dining-out public has demanded that restaurants use ingredients that are fresh and local. Area restaurants and producers have embraced that challenge and now you can find many places that serve fresh, local and seasonal menus.

For me, putting together this issue of FSM served as a wonderful reminder of the many great things the Midwest has to offer in the food and spirits arena.

Ann Summers has a wonderful review of former FSM writer Summer Miller’s recently published cookbook, New Prairie Kitchen. The book contains over 50 recipes and 25 profiles of chefs, farmers and producers from Nebraska, Iowa and South Dakota. It’s a treat. If you haven’t gotten your hands on a copy yet, I think you’ll want to after reading the review.

Speaking of the prairie, The Supper Club took a road trip to Waverly for their review of Prairie Plate and Jess Clem takes us on a tour of Imperial Wagyu Beef of Blair. Imperial produces some of the best beef around and it is right in our own backyard.

You’ll also find a super informative article by Kent Cisar that gives you some top-notch suggestions for ordering some of the regional delicacies that can be found around the country. Kent tells you where to find it and what local specialty pairs best with it. After reading this article, you’ll be qualified to eat your way around the nation while sitting in the comfort of your own home.

The Market House is Omaha’s latest and greatest restaurant to open its doors and it more than meets expectations. Owner Nick Bartholomew and chef Matt Moser have created a great space for Omaha and their menu hits all the right notes. Check out their feature to find out all about it.

The 7th Annual Omaha’s Largest Pizza Review was recently held at The Waiting Room Lounge in Benson. While being serenaded by award-winning musicians Kait Berreckman and Brad Hoshaw, over 250 attendees sampled pizza from 14 different pizza places. Inside, you’ll find the results of the people’s choice and the judge’s vote. There were some surprises this year.

Finally, we want to thank you, our readers and advertisers, for the unqualified support we’ve received from all of you. Everyday life is rarely simple and putting together FSM can be a bit of a challenge, even for the awesome team we have. But, with your support, it’s all worth it. Thank you.

Welcome to the 21st issue of Food & Spirits Magazine. We’re proud of the magazine before you and we sincerely hope you enjoy it.

Erik Totten

Erik Totten

Erik Totten is the founder and publisher of Food & Spirits Magazine in Omaha, Nebraska. He's worked in publications for the last 21 years at all levels. As well as serving as a writer, designer, photographer and editor, he's also founded two publications which have allowed him to grow into being a publisher, which he would describe as his 'true calling'.

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