Issue 30

Results of the First Annual Doughnut Shootout

Results of the First Annual Doughnut Shootout

The First Annual Omaha Doughnut Shootout was held February 13th at The Waiting Room Lounge, Krug Park and Reverb Lounge. A sold out crowd of over 300 attendees tasted samples from a total of nearly 2,000 doughnuts from Harold’s Koffee House, Donut Stop, Pettit’s Pastry, Sunrize Donuts (Omaha), Sunrize Nebraska Donuts (Gretna), Lamar’s Donuts, Krispy Kreme, Dunkin’ Donuts and Winchell Donuts. Krug Park, Reverb Lounge and The Waiting Room also whipped up some specialty drinks to go with the doughnuts.

Those that attended voted for the favorites and at least one doughnut from every bakery received a first place vote. Here are the results:


Best Cake Doughnut

Sunrize Omaha

Sunrize Gretna


La Mar’s


Best Glazed Doughnut

Donut Stop

Sunrize Gretna

Krispy Kreme

La Mar’s


Best Specialty Doughnut

Tie – Sunrize Gretna

Tie – Pettit’s Pastry

Sunrize Omaha



Overall Favorite Doughnut

La Mar’s

Sunrize Gretna

Sunrize Omaha



Along with those votes, some attendees also wrote in their favorite doughnuts. Those mentioned were;

La Mar’s – Red velvet doughnut

Sunrize Omaha – Chocolate cruller

Sunrize Gretna – Apple fritter and bacon maple doughnut

Pettit’s Pastry – Oreo crusted doughnut

Donut Stop – Chocolate glazed cake doughnut

Winchell’s – Boston crème pie doughnut

Harold’s – Spice cake doughnut

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