Posts From Jason McLaughlin
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Jason McLaughlin
Jason is a Certified Cicerone, ranked National as a BJCP judge (Beer Judge Certification Program), is a craft beer aficionado, a writer for the Nebraska Beer Blog, and award winning homebrewer living in Lincoln. Jason spends time traveling around the country judging beer competitions, and attending related events. Beer tasting and evaluation is his passion, and he can appreciate a great example of any style regardless of hype.
It’s Just Natural: Nebraska’s Craft Beer Breweries are on the Rise, Part 2
Part two of our story on Nebraska’s burgeoning craft beer culture will give us a sneak peek into a couple more of the current breweries in planning that happen to share a common starting point. It’s official, for the first
Read MoreIt’s Just Natural: Nebraska’s Craft Beer Breweries are on the Rise
This is part one in a two part series. With the explosion of craft beer and the dozens of new breweries in the great state of Nebraska, it’s starting to feel like our natural way of life. As the number
Read MoreBeer Chat: The good life
If you love better beer and call the 37th state in the Union home, then the “Good Life” surely has had deeper meaning to you with each passing year as of late. Simply put, Nebraska is making great beer. Last
Read MoreKansas City Beers 0
Kansas City has long been known as an epicenter for some of the most delicious smoked meats that the world has to offer, but a quick three-hour drive South down I-29 will truly prove rewarding to the craft beer enthusiast.
Read MoreBeer Chat: Local Brewers Strive to Use Local Ingredients
Local Nebraska beer is a wonderful thing. It’s fresh. It didn’t spend a month floating across an ocean and it hasn’t been driven down hundreds of miles of interstate highways to make it to our glass. It supports our local economy, builds jobs,
Read MoreBeer Chat: Nebraska’s beer can revolution
Once thought of as the official vessel of the American adjunct lager (AKA: macro lager), the aluminum can has become somewhat of a darling in the craft beer world. At this point, well over 500 breweries across the nation are
Read MoreBeer Chat: Great Beer Fests
One of the best ways to throw yourself headfirst into the ever growing craft beer scene is to attend a well-run beer festival represented by some of the best breweries in the land. There are hundreds of great festivals to
Read MoreBeer Chat: Beer & Desset Pairings
Dessert and beer are very much alike. They are both treats which are often enjoyed as a reward for something. Whether an anniversary of life, the end of a long hard day, or just because, their similarities for indulging are
Read MoreBeer Chat: Craft Beer Go Boom
It’s long been official that craft beer is a really big deal. There are more breweries in operation now than at any other time in our nation’s history and the number of breweries currently in the planning stage are staggering.
Read MoreBeer Chat: Magical moments with beer
There are many correlations between the creation of visual art and craft beer. The artist starts with a blank canvas and only their imagination as their strongest tool to create images never seen before. The brewer also starts with a
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