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Issue 30


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Introducing Jean Hoefliger and the JH Collection to Omaha

I returned home to a familiar sight: a UPS hang-tag on my back door. I’d been dutifully waiting on the package I knew was coming, but had decided to run a quick errand; the shipment had been not-delivered in a

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Welcome to VivinOmaha!

I wouldn’t have thought anything could get much better than a vertical of high-end Napa Cabernet dating back to 2006, seemingly endless trays of beautiful charcuterie, cheeses, and breads, and discounts on bottles of wine with waived corkage, but somehow

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Bartender Portrait: Alex Jochim

This issue of Food & Spirits Magazine’s bartender portrait article spotlights someone that most of the bar-going crowd in Omaha has encountered at one time or another. Either as a bartender, one of the faces constantly attending to details at

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Defining Sustainable Success

The failure rate of entrepreneurship in hospitality is daunting. It is so daunting that it prevents many from realizing the opportunities that exist, as a result of both simple psychological deterrence, and the refusal of financial backing based on the

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Hockenbergs: Doing what they promise

Though the story of foodservice equipment and supply company Hockenbergs began in 1908 when it originally opened in Des Moines by Max Hockenberg, and though the recent sale to Trimark altered the trajectory of the story a bit, the real

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Sodas in Which You May Not Be Entirely Aware of: Royal Crown Cola

“God is going to get you.” That is just one of the crazy remarks I have received from customers at B & G Tasty Foods when I told them that we do not have Coca-Cola. Admittedly, that is probably the

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Paradigm Shifts: Connecting Communities and Local Food

I’m constantly drawn to ways to engage in my life-learning quest of food and its relationship to our commUnity.  This comes natural to me and is my passion.  I enjoy attending, supporting and continuing to educate myself about all the

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The Good Old Days: A Recipe for Goulash

Once again friends we’re getting ready to enter into that mystical time of the year, between summer and fall, where the weather changes from one day to the next. A strong gust of wind and bright chromatic yellow, red and

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Holy Smokes – Look at It Go

So, the deal here is that we are looking back on a whole decade in this issue of Food & Spirits Magazine. I would have thought Erik (El Jefe) would have changed the name of this publication to Grub &

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The Magic of Risotto and Where to Find It

Risotto is an easy to make meal that will impress everyone that you cook for.  It originates from northern Italy and the word riso is the word for rice.  There is a series of stock ingredients that combined with other

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