Posts From John Finocchiaro
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John Finocchiaro
John Finocchiaro is a former co-owner of Johnson Brothers Finocchiaro, LLC, a Nebraska wholesale wine, spirits, and beer distributor. Formerly the owner of Finocchiaro Wine Co., Inc., John has been in the wine distribution business for the past 25 years and the Finocchiaro family's association with the Nebraska wine industry has been continuous for the past 73 years, since 1935. John was a Certified Public Accountant before entering the family business and is a Certified Specialist of Wine.
The Formal Wine Tasting
Previously I had written a rather playful article on the lighter side of casual wine tastings and the characters we meet at such fun-loving events. This time around, let’s address the more serious side of formal tastings. Before we dive
Read MoreTasting Pals
Everyone loves a wine tasting. After all, what’s not to like when it comes to sipping vino with your friends. While the wines may highlight the event’s marquis, it is truly the cast of characters assembled that make a wine
Read MoreThe Wine Leading the Blind
Purchasing wine can be a daunting task. Restaurant lists and store shelves are loaded with seemingly endless brands and varieties from which to choose, and it is impossible to know about all of them. As a result we often find
Read MoreHunters & Collectors: A Case for the Cellar
Admit it. Running off to a wine shop or the grocery store every time you need a bottle or two for the weekend is not all that thrilling. It would be so much easier to have your own supply on
Read MoreWhen did Wine Get Cool
Recently I attended my college fraternity anniversary/reunion weekend along with hundreds of other fellow alumni. Interspersed between the as expected raucous times and occasional flights in the wayback machine was an exceptional dinner, complete with a slide show down memory
Read MoreWine Memories
It never fails. The holiday season always makes me count my blessings. And tops on my list are family and friends, and the many great times spent with them. One near-constant on such special occasions has been good wine. I
Read MoreThe Mustache on the Mona Lisa
The wine industry is steeped in tradition. Old world wines of western Europe (think Italy, France, Spain, and Germany) have perfected and preserved the practices of generations of winemakers that preceded them. An attitude of reverence is upheld for those
Read MoreThe Rating Game
Any of us who have perused a wine or food magazine with a featured wine section has seen the proverbial wine reviews. It apparently isn’t enough to merely recommend a particular wine. We are Americans, and we need our rankings.
Read MoreWine Q&A: The Best, the Worst, the Most, and the Least
Wine, with all of its complexities, is basically a very simple product at its core. Grow some grapes, pick them, crush them, and allow them to ferment. Serve at room temperature or chilled. That’s it. But the mystique and intrigue
Read MoreWhy France?
I recently ran into a friend of mine and our conversation turned to the topic of wine. He told me of his new wine cellar and how he and his wife often enjoyed spending evenings together sharing a bottle. He
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